APB to close its doors
September 16, 2010 by Michael J
Filed under Critical News
It’s just been announced that troubled Cops ‘n Crims MMO APB is to close its doors.
Global Agenda: interview
September 10, 2010 by Patrick G
Filed under Featured Articles, Interviews, PC
CG: How many MMOs do you think the market can comfortably support at one time, and why do you think Global Agenda will succeed?
Todd Harris: The market clearly can’t support too many clones of World of Warcraft. But there IS room for non-fantasy MMOs as well as MMOs with different combat styles and game mechanics. If you are a fan of both shooters and MMOs Global Agenda is really worth taking a look at because in a single package you get your character progression along with a chance to blow stuff up and use your jetpack!
Our alternate payment model also helps Global Agenda succeed in a crowded marketplace. We have many players for which Global Agenda is their secondary MMO. The mission structure allows players to level up by playing 15 minute PvP or PvE missions on their own schedule. So they enjoy the game in smaller doses, but also without having to pay a subscription, and everyone wins.
Community Network Game developing new tools for generating, distributing and inserting UGC on PC MMOs.
August 13, 2010 by Syd B
Filed under Critical News
One of the plus points for current generation console gaming is the ease with which gamers can communicate while playing online. For PC gamers, the only way this can be done with friends is to either drop out of the game and open up an instant messenger app, get on the phone or, worse, fiddle [...]
APB: review
July 2, 2010 by Michael J
Filed under Latest Reviews, PC, Reviews
APB (All Points Bulletin) is the hotly anticipated MMO from Dundee based developers Realtime Worlds – best known for Crackdown on Xbox 360 – and the brain child of creative director Dave Jones.
E3: End Of Nations Preview
June 24, 2010 by Adam R.
Filed under Featured Articles, Hands-On, PC
Critical Gamer E3 hands on demo of Trion’s End Of Nations.
Two Warhammer 40,000 games shown off at E3
June 17, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News
THQ took E3 to show off two new games based on Warhammer 40k that are already looking deliciously violent, and set to capture the feel of the universe brilliantly.
Star Trek: Online Review
April 19, 2010 by Robert L.
Filed under Articles, Featured Articles, PC
Star Trek: Online boldy bores at least one Critical Gamer.
Love: Eskil Steenberg interview
February 16, 2010 by Patrick G
Filed under Interviews, PC
“I’m trying to create a very dynamic game where the players can be part of their own story. My goal is to have the players have a very high degree of freedom but then have the world respond to the players actions.”
Allods Online Open Beta starts
February 16, 2010 by Michael J
Filed under Critical News
Today marks the beginning of open beta for Allods Online; coming from developers Astrum Nival, Allods is a highly polished free-to-play MMO.
Aion: The Tower of Eternity: review
January 21, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Latest Reviews, PC, Reviews
Aion, NCsoft’s latest MMO filled with swords, magic and angelic wing related combat. Does it fly high and touch the stars or get too close to the sun and drop from the sky in a burning ball of failure?