Friday, October 16, 2009

Modern Warfare 2 ‘Infamy’ trailer

October 5, 2009 by Michael J  
Filed under Critical News

A new trailer for Modern Warfare 2 appeared last night as Activision gear up the hype machine in anticipation of next months release. Some deeply serious blokes waffle on about man killing man as the Whitehouse burns in the background, suggesting the terrorists have taken the fight to US soil and it’ll be up to the player to remove them. They’ll do so with guns, more guns, some explodey things and then probably a few more guns.

Dramatic music overlays the gun fire and explosions and it looks as though Infinity Ward’s eye for set pieces and explosive action has yet to diminish. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is out November 10th on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

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One Response to “Modern Warfare 2 ‘Infamy’ trailer”
  1. Patrick G says:

    All I can say is Day one, that was awesome :)

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