Yakuza: Of The End TGS trailer
September 20, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PS3
Monsters, zombies, guns and explosions are all prominent in a brand new trailer for Yakuza: Of The End, fresh off of the Tokyo Game Show floor.
Devil May Cry reboot announced with trailer
September 16, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PS3, Xbox 360
Capcom have announced a Devil May Cry reboot being developed by Ninja Theory, the UK based studio behind Heavenly Sword.
The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest voice talent trailer
September 13, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, DS/DSi, PS3, PSP/PSPGo, PlayStation Move, Wii
The Lord of the Rings is getting another game added to its library with Aaragorn’s Quest placing players in the boots of the prominent character from the trilogy.
My Aquarium 2 out on WiiWare today
September 10, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, WiiWare
Hudson Soft is really making waves within the virtual fish market as My Aquarium 2 gets released on WiiWare today.
Torchlight 2 trailer shows co-op
August 20, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PC
With Gamescon well into the swing of existence, a trailer for Torchlight 2, the sequel to Runic Games hit action RPG, has been shown off and released online for us all to bulge our eyes at.
Gears of War fan trailer looks good
July 28, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, Microsoft, Xbox 360
It’s the return of the musical war montage trailer with a new Gears of War fan video that looks as good as anything official that we’ve seen.
New Naughty Bear trailer takes us to intensive care
June 26, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PS3, Xbox 360
If you go down to the woods today, you’re sure to find a big pile of fluff and torn off teddy limbs, especially if the latest trailer for Naughty Bear is anything to go by.
Ni No Kuni PlayStation 3 trailer
June 25, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PS3
Professor Layton developer, Level 5 and popular Japanese animator, Studio Ghibli have released a trailer for the recently announced PS3 version of their RPG Ni No Kuni, and it looks fantastic.
Red Dead Redemption: Outlaws to the End free DLC released
You can never have too many revolver duels, horse chases or carriage heists and thankfully, Rockstar knows this, as they have just released the Outlaws to the End DLC pack for Red Dead Redemption.
Hunted: The Demon’s Forge revealed with trailer
June 17, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PC, PS3, Xbox 360
Showcasing the sophisticated barbarian look are Caddoc and E’lara from inXile entertainment’s co-op action romp, Hunted: The Demon’s Forge, which is being shown off in a trailer for the game which will be on the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.